Categories andrew wyeth, bertrand vieux, coffee, Cormac McCarthy, dag hammarskjold, God, haiti, Haitian coffee, haitian coffee beans, journalism ethics, photo technique, photojournalism, portsmouth ohio, War“Didst thou give me this inescapable loneliness so that it would be easier for me to give thee all?” –Dag HammarskjoldPosted on May 17, 2012May 17, 2012by Flip Holsinger
Categories andrew wyeth, bertrand vieux, coffee, Cormac McCarthy, God, haiti, Haitian coffee, haitian coffee beans, journalism ethics, photojournalism, Uncategorized, voodoo, WarThe Life and Wisdom of Bertrand: savior of trees, predictor of earthquakes, wild Indian, and leader of men…Posted on May 1, 2012October 24, 2012by Flip Holsinger
Categories andrew wyeth, coffee, Cormac McCarthy, God, haiti, Haitian coffee, haitian coffee beans, journalism ethics, photo technique, photojournalismCoffee: A Rebirth (excerpted from the final chapter of A Tourist of Saints)Posted on April 8, 2012October 24, 2012by Flip Holsinger
Categories andrew wyeth, journalism ethics, kentucky, photo technique, photojournalism, portsmouth ohioMore ‘In Search of Andrew Wyeth…’Posted on March 8, 2012March 8, 2012by Flip Holsinger
Categories andrew wyeth, journalism ethics, photo technique, photojournalism, portsmouth ohioIn Search of Andrew WyethPosted on March 7, 2012March 7, 2012by Flip Holsinger
Categories Cormac McCarthy, haiti, journalism ethics, photo technique, photojournalism, UncategorizedShe is Queen of all of this and me …..Posted on February 14, 2012August 5, 2018by Flip Holsinger
Categories haiti, journalism ethics, photo technique, photojournalism, Uncategorized, voodoo, WarMorning Light and Silhouette in Petion-Ville, HaitiPosted on January 12, 2012August 5, 2018by Flip Holsinger
Categories Cormac McCarthy, God, journalism ethics, photo technique, photojournalism, portsmouth ohio, UncategorizedThe American in MePosted on November 28, 2011January 14, 2016by flip holsinger
Categories Cormac McCarthy, God, haiti, journalism ethics, photo technique, photojournalism, Uncategorized, voodoo, WarWhile We Give Thanks…Posted on November 24, 2011August 5, 2018by flip holsinger
Categories chicago, Cormac McCarthy, journalism ethics, occupy chicago, occupy wall street, photo technique, photojournalismThree Corners in ChicagoPosted on November 20, 2011August 5, 2018by flip holsinger