How do you feed 100 million people? David knows…


I met a man in a dirty place. Former South Carolina Governor David Beasley. A mutual friend introduced us, this friend telling me, “David is a man living from his heart.” We first met in a dingy building used as a makeshift feeding center. We were in a gangland village in northern Honduras, at that time one of the deadliest places on earth. David was there to learn. About hunger and hope. I watched him. He wanted to see people. To hear them. The children. The workers who try to feed them. He sat with people and asked questions. He lingered. Later as I came to know him I was able to observe him in other places. Washington, D.C., Virginia, Kosovo. Wherever I encountered him I observed the same person. Engaged.

This week U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley nominated David to run the U.N. World Food Programme, the largest food operation in the history of the world. My first thought was, “how do you feed 100 million people?” And then I thought, “David knows. You start with your heart and invite everyone working with you to come along.”

The heart sees people and never mere numbers. It’s why the heart’s solutions are always better.








